Monday, 31 August 2009

Tag: 5 Current Obsessions!

I was tagged by the gorgeous Sarah for this award!
Here are the rules:
1. List 5 current obsessions
2. Pass the award on to 5 fabulous blogs
3. Mention the person who tagged you and post their blog link
4. Post links to the 5 winners and let them know!
My 5 current obsessions are:
1/ Lush Goodies..
I am already a total Lush freak, but for some reason these last few days, I have SUCH an urge to go and buy loads! I was going to go in and buy the Legends box for £97 which I think includes about 25 items, but then I added up the price of every single thing I want from lush and it comes to the same price for 30 items! Woo! So guess where i'm headed!
2/ Studded clothes and shoes..
I am totally in love with anything that has studs on! Boots and jackets especially! Topshop have had amazing things in all year and I have resisted the urge to buy so far, but I think I may give in soon!
3/ Mice..
I know... wierd obsession! But I have recently been lusting after getting 2 mice as pets! I even have the cutest names picked out! Well, mice or chinese hamsters, not sure yet!
4/ New Tattoo..
Once I get an idea into my head to get something, I want to get it ASAP!! I have been thinking about getting a tattoo on either my hand, aka. Cheryl Cole, or a small star on my wrist. I'm a bit worried about getting a wrist one though as i do not handle pain well! But. I havn't decided yet.. watch this space!
5/ This Blog!..
I started this blog with every intention to keep it up to date every day, but i fell behind on it and to be totally honest, I forgot I even had a blog! But I have recently got back into it and I am really enjoying updating it!!
Now i tag...


  1. aww thank you for tagging me! i'll do this asap! :) xx

  2. Lush is fab - there's so much nice stuff though that I can never decide what to buy!

  3. Hey :)
    I tagged you to do the 'I think you are an awesome girl' tag :)

    Nic x

  4. oh you gotta get some mice!! used to have some and loved them!! what were the names you were thinking of?

    great blog - we'll def be back. have you seen our big beauty giveaway yet? come check us out...

    love tbag xx

  5. oooh good list!
    i am obsessed with studding too and recently bought some gorg fingerless leather studded gloves from R.I. Very GaGa! :)

  6. Ooh im getting this on my next Lush haul, i did a post on it :)

    I've just become a follower of youyr blog, would love it if you could follow me back:
